How do I construct a hypothesis?
- problem
- solution
- insight
The Problem's conditions ...
- popular
- growing
- urgent
- expensive
- mandatory
- frequent
About the founder
- motivation, i have this problem i need to solve ...
- ability, is your startup ...
- trigger, what is the think that I need to solve it ...
Ideal problem's conditions
- 1M+
- 20%/year market increase
- right now, we need to solve it
- $B cost billons to solve
- law changed - people have to solve a ton of problems
- hourly - we need to use it multiple times a day
- solution in search for a problem xxxxx
what is your unfair advantage?
why you? ... it has to be related to growth
- founders - why you? are you a super expert ...?
- market - 20% / year ... is it growing?
- product - 10X better than your competition? oh shit this is so much better ... cheaper etc
- acquisition - $0
- monopoly - the more you grow, you get stronger?
reference: (Kevin Hale, 2019)